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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Events in Uitm

Event  : Election Days
Day    : Tuesday
Date   : 22/2/11
Place  : Dewan Serba Guna (DSG)
Time  : 8.30 AM to 6.00 PM

On this day,UITM organised a election there,wheres all student have to attend to vote for their new leader of Student Representative Council(SRC). This year there are some student that been selected by UITM staff to been choose by all student. Student start to vote early 8.30am in the morning and their only can vote two(2) from the others candidates to be chosen as the SRC. Each of the candidate is required to deliver their manifesto to gain vote from the student such as give a flyer, see face to face with the student and paste a banner. Each student will choose the candidate based on the manifesto of interest and the confidence of the candidates.

Before the election day on 20/2/2011 located in 'Dataran Intergrasi', Student Representative Council(SRC) has organized a candidate search commitee student representatives for the year of 2011/2012. Each of the candidate are required to deliver their manifesto to gain vote from the student. 
Here are the several picture that been take from the event.


Event : Malam Alunan Gemersik 5
Day : Sunday
Date : 20/2/2011
Place : Dewan Serbaguna
Time : 8.30PM to 11.30PM

On the same night with the 'Manifesto Night', 'Kelab Estetika Budaya'(KEB) has organized a singing contest. The objective of the contest 'Malam Alunan Gemersik 5' is to find a new talent among UITM Jengka student. The contest begin at 8.30pm located in dewan serbaguna(DSG). Before the competition start, student and VIPs were entertained by the choir team and Kelab Estetika Budaya dancers. This competition features five contestant contain two(2) male and three(3) female. They are required to sing two(2) song for each person. 
Here some of the picture that been capture in this event.

The dancer from Kelab Estetika Budaya (KEB) :)

Singer From The Choir Team :D

The Participant

In this event, First place was won by on of the female student from the faculty office & management.


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